Creating a Future for Ghana’s Next Generation

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers bring the Tools for Life to Ghana’s far-flung communities to rehabilitate its schools and ignite the nation’s future.

Bolivia Welcomes the Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour For the First Time

The people of two of Bolivia’s most important cities have the benefit for the first time of the VM Goodwill Cavalcade and its practical Scientology tools to improve all areas of life.

Why Be a Volunteer Minister?
One Man’s Story

Paco found his calling as a Volunteer Minister helping after Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Maria devastated all in their paths.

Iconic San Diego Locations Get VM Tent

VM tent graces Balboa Park and the boardwalk of the USS Midway in San Diego.

Extending a Skilled and Helping Hand and Training More In Times of Need

Scientology Volunteer Ministers disaster specialists join local volunteers in Papua New Guinea to help villages recover from a magnitude 7.5 earthquake.

Bringing Disaster Preparedness to the University of New Mexico

Scientology Volunteer Ministers and Albuquerque Office of Emergency Management join forces to open the VM Cavalcade.

Citizens of Slovakia’s First City Served With Spiritual Technology

Volunteer Ministers came to Nitra, Slovakia, providing help to people of every walk of life with its 19 Tools for Life courses.

National Football Championship Players Find Relief

The Volunteer Ministers provide assists to athletes, bringing relief and success.

Mexico Finds Relief With Real Help From Tireless Volunteer Ministers

Living their motto, “Something can be done about it,” Volunteer Ministers answer the call, bringing hope and succor to those in need after a 7.1 quake topples Mexico City.

Hurricane Season is Over—But Scientology Continues to Help The Community

Taking a glance today through the streets of Clearwater, Florida, one would be hard-pressed to find any remnants of the storm that struck the city on September 11, 2017.

News of Effective Help Wherever, Whenever Needed

The last 12 months kept our global VM network busy responding to everything from bombings to hurricanes. Here is a snapshot.

Volunteer Ministers Deliver at Dublin Marathon Expo

VMs help Dublin Marathon Expo athletes and attendees with effective tools for life.

Continuing Relief Efforts in Rockport, Texas

Volunteer Ministers provide continued relief to towns and cities torn apart after Hurricane Harvey.

Volunteer Minister On-Site Seminars: Requested Everywhere and Delivered Anywhere

Through, anyone can request a free on-site seminar by a Volunteer Minister and get answers to life’s problems.