A Home for Volunteer Ministers in Haiti
Haitian VMs now have their own permanent center from which to expand.

In the last issue, you saw Volunteer Ministers in Haiti, revitalizing and rebuilding the nation after the devastation of Hurricane Matthew. The veteran VMs that volunteered after this hurricane from the US and Europe have since returned home, but they left behind a core of Haitian VMs, trained and apprenticed in the VM technology like assists, to carry forward their legacy of help.
And to guarantee the lasting presence of the VM program in Haiti, Haitian VMs opened a new VM Haiti Headquarters. Their grand opening welcomed some 80 people into the VMs’ new home in Carrefour. Located in a church donated by a local bishop, this building now stands as the country’s hub for all Haitian VM activity.
After the opening, the VMs wasted no time getting back to it. They led a citywide cleanup around their headquarters, including patching a damaged road that then prompted city officials to decide to fully pave the road. Then, when monstrous Hurricane Irma threatened to pummel Haiti with her Category 4 winds, Haitian VMs readied their teams for the next disaster.
Most recently, Haitian VMs delivered two on-site seminars teaching more than 450 students L. Ron Hubbard’s Study Technology, earning the Haitian VMs a personal thank you from the Mayor of Plaisance.
In response to out-of-control wildfires in Israel, Volunteer Ministers succored those needing it most—the men and women battling the blazes. Here is what they had to say.
LOGISTICS DIRECTOR, JERUSALEM FIRE DEPARTMENT “Your donations have raised the morale of the firefighters very, very, very much—and I say again, very high. The firefighters who received this bag—that had in it the hand cream, the lip balm and the socks—got to replace their socks, soaking wet, with clean ones. You made the day for the firefighters of Jerusalem District and of all the districts.”
COMMANDER OF THE AIR FORCE FIREFIGHTER UNIT “After 48 hours straight of fighting the fires in Haifa, a magical place opened and gave me half an hour of calmness and relaxation that gave us power to continue with the job. Many thanks for the assist.”
FIREFIGHTER “Thank you very much, it is not taken for granted. It really helped me take off the stress, calmed me down big time after all the fires, the hard night and the tiredness. Thanks.”
FIREFIGHTER “After an entire hard day of putting out the fires all night long, the assist simply calmed down my soul.”
FIREFIGHTER “Thank you very much for all the help we received here and the assist. Really, I am at a loss for words. We got helped in every single thing we needed.”

Volunteer Ministers are on call across the globe and around the clock to respond to any and every disaster. Your contribution will fund volunteer travel as well as food, water, tents and medical supplies for disaster victims.